
Reddit mindustry
Reddit mindustry

reddit mindustry

Even a small group can outheal the Foreshadow enabling safer travel to the core. Vela- Once again exploiting the lack of Plastanium Walls, destroying the Waves and Mend Projectors and setting the core on fire.Be careful of the enemy spawn, as Corvus is rather slow as well as the most fragile T5. The lack of Plastanium Walls allows you to take a few hits and take out the power supply for the Foreshadow. Corvus- Build one and snipe everything safely except the Foreshadow.These bases are very difficult if you don't have a proper strategy. 1 Meltdown with 4 Water Extractors and one Water Extractor from a Wave and a Liquid Tank.They have Phase Walls and multiple Core: Nucleuses that have these mounted: Found all the way at the poles, the northern set threatening your control of Impact 0078 and Nuclear Production Complex. 5 Water Extractors and 1 Liquid Tank for 1 TsunamiĪ group of Zeniths can destroy the core as Spectres take some time to destroy T3s.This base has Surge Walls and a Core: Nucleus. Generally though, a good strategy is to use Fortresses to snipe particularly troublesome defenses, and Zeniths to rush cores. You can use Horizons for this one, but you might need a large group to take out the core. This high threat base has Thorium Walls and a Core: Shard. Generally though, most medium bases can easily be dealt with using enough T2s, or a few T3s. As there are no Menders near the core, you can command small groups of Horizons to eventually destroy the core, or a large group to one-shot the core. Horizons are best at destroying this core because they have the mobility to survive Lead-loaded Scatter fire for long enough to do some damage to the core. Medium bases have Titanium Walls and a Core: Shard. If there are too many turrets inside the no-build region, it may be necessary to use Foreshadows or Ripples. If the defense has poor area damage, it may help to include dozens of Crawlers. Once the no-build zone is reached, the enemy core is most commonly taken out with T3 units (Zeniths if the anti-air is weak, otherwise multiple Quasars). If the enemy defense contains Ripples, air units like the Flare or Zenith are controlled by the player and then used to take out the Ripple's ammo lines. Due to the no-build region around the enemy core, no turrets can directly strike the enemy core. It consists of quickly setting up power generation and a basic defense, then placing long-range turrets (Lancers against Duos or any air-only turret, Salvos against Lancers, Ripples or player controlled Salvos against Salvos) to outrange and take out enemy turrets. Turret rushing is a strategy to help take out enemy bases. 1 General strategies for attack sectors.

Reddit mindustry