
Stinger stockfish chess
Stinger stockfish chess

stinger stockfish chess

Game 259 of Three Hundred Chess Games by Siegbert Tarrasch vs Chigorin 2.Qe2 Big Clamp (C00) 1-0 Both Ks runįrench Defense: Chigorin 2.Qe2 (C00) 1-0 Notes by Dr. (A07) King's Indian Attack, 30 moves, 1-0įrench / Owen Defense (C00) 1-0 Simultaneous pin & forkįrench Def. Vienna Game, Paulsen-Mieses (C26) 1-0 Q enters via h-file (A07) King's Indian Attack, 49 moves, 1-0 KIA vs French 2.Qe2 Be7 (A07) 1-0 Successful battery (A07) King's Indian Attack, 31 moves, 1-0 KIA 2.Qe2 vs French Def (A07) 1-0 N infiltration fork (A07) King's Indian Attack, 43 moves, 1-0

stinger stockfish chess

KIA 2.Qe2 (A07) 1-0 Kside attack comes in the Qside (A07) King's Indian Attack, 62 moves, 0-1 Modern Chess Strategy III by Ludek Pachman - Space advantage (A07) King's Indian Attack, 34 moves, 1-0

stinger stockfish chess

Game 265 of Three Hundred Chess Games by Siegbert Tarrasch (A07) King's Indian Attack, 80 moves, 1-0 KIA 1e4 e6 2.Qe2 (A07) 1-0 Tussle over pin R vs B & passer Game 108 in Wonders and Curiosities of Chess by Irving Chernevĭutch Defense: Blackmar's Second Gambit (A82) 0-1 Busy Bishops (D55) Queen's Gambit Declined, 43 moves, 0-1īird b3 vs Pseudo Leningrad Dutch (A02) 1-0 Remove the Guardīird Opening (A02) 1-0 Both 0-0-0, Dynamic Dbl Fio

stinger stockfish chess

(D37) Queen's Gambit Declined, 57 moves, 1-0 (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 26 moves, 0-1 (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 32 moves, 1/2-1/2 QGD: Chigorin Defense (D07) 1/2-1/2 KEG annotates (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 76 moves, 0-1 (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 27 moves, 1-0 (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 51 moves, 0-1 (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 57 moves, 1-0 Main Line (D07) 1-0 No joke in St.Petersburg (D07) Queen's Gambit Declined, Chigorin Defense, 38 moves, 0-1 "The Chigorin Defense" by Valery Bronznik QGD vs Slav/Black Colle System (D05) 0-1 KEG annotates! Two rooks cut-off and check the opposing kingĬolle System c4 (D04) 0-1 Locked P chains w/bad bishopsĥ.c3 Colle Black 0-0-0 so there's no kingside battle Horatio Caro (1862-1920) smashes Lasker's NY System /Baltic Def Tchigorin's famous defeat of Lasker with his (T's) own defense. London System vs Tarrasch Def (D02) 1-0 Q trap in the center Queen Pawn Game: Anti-Torre (D02) 1-0 Stockfish notes Q Pawn Game: General (D00) 0-1 Qside vine gets snipped Stonewall Attack Early Nb4xBd3(D00) 0-1 Notes by Pillsbury Stonewall Attack vs NY System (D00) 0-1Up the exchange w/passer QP Steinitz CG (D00) 1-0 Compare the play of the Bishops. Stonewall Attack (D00) 0-1 Q trap Notes by Wilhelm Steinitz Sicilian Defense: Four Knights (B45) 0-1 KEG annotates (B00) Uncommon King's Pawn Opening, 37 moves, 1-0 Owen Defense: General (B00) 1-0 Notes by Stockfish (B00) Uncommon King's Pawn Opening, 6 moves, 1-0 Uncommon Opening/Modern (A00) 1-0 Smothered Queen Note to self: Get some more Geoff Chandler miniatures in here!! * Great Endings: Game Collection: great endings Ĭarlsen - Caruana World Championship Match (2018) * Here's a link to 68 games between Chigorin and Schiffers: Fredthebear thinks chopped salad is still rather tasty! Carlsen and Caruana now have their own collections as well, but lag behind. Charousek shares another collection with Anderssen and Blackburne. It has stabilized topically, but Fredthebear has more games to add.Ĭapablanca has his own collection, but a few games are in here. This file is a chopped salad it's a collection split of a collection split, of a collection split. C Players, Featuring Chigorin Chopped Fredthebea

Stinger stockfish chess