
Macvim vs vim terminal
Macvim vs vim terminal

macvim vs vim terminal
  1. #Macvim vs vim terminal how to
  2. #Macvim vs vim terminal install
  3. #Macvim vs vim terminal code

But I couldn't get this to work even for the examples in that topic, which switch colour rather than shape I don't even know how to begin finding the right escape codes to change the cursor shape. It appears to be possible to send custom escape sequences when switching modes: the termcap-cursor-shape help topic explains how. MacVim nicely distinguishes between insert and normal mode by switching between bar and block cursors. Removing that and installing the vim-nox package instead rectified that.

#Macvim vs vim terminal install

This was because the version of vim installed on Ubuntu by default via apt-get install vim does not include Ruby support, even though it does include most of the other options. But one of the ones I use most of all - the excellent Command-T file navigator - did not. As I said above, most of these just worked by copying over my. Not too much to learn - I might try and force myself to use those within MacVim, for the sake of consistency. In the terminal, the first of these continues to work, but since the tabs are now vim's own ones, switching needs to be done by the vim shortcuts of gt and gT. MacVim overrides vim's built-in tabs with proper native ones, so that you can open them in the standard way - eg opening documents in new tabs via :tabe - but then switch between them with the standard OSX shortcut keys, cmd. vimrc, and hey presto: mouse in terminal vim. I already had SIMBL installed, as I use Ciarán Walsh's indispensible TerminalColors to make the terminal colours sensible, so it was just a matter of clicking the MouseTerm. This is a SIMBL plugin which patches the terminal so it sends mouse events. However, there is a nice easy hack that does work: MouseTerm. The main issue is that although there is a well-defined way for an xterm terminal to send mouse events, the OSX Terminal app doesn't support it. I initially thought I would just have to do without, but it turns out that it is quite possible to have the mouse working within the terminal.

macvim vs vim terminal

Although like any good vim user I do stay mainly on the keyboard, it's nice to have the mouse available occasionally as an alternative for things like rapid scrolling with the wheel, tab/window switching, and text selection. The first thing that I missed was the mouse. vim directory to my home directory on the VM, and almost everything 'just worked'. Mostly, the transition was fairly simple. Recently I found myself working on a project that was distributed on a self-contained virtual machine, and after several days of mucking around with mounting the VM's filesystem via sshfs and suffering continued networking drop-outs, I decided to bite the bullet and move to working entirely within the terminal.

#Macvim vs vim terminal code

But occasionally I need to edit code via a terminal, which means dropping back to plain old vim. I'm a very happy user of MacVim, which very nicely integrates vim into a native Mac app. Date Wed 15 December 2010 Category Technical Tags vim

Macvim vs vim terminal